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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Placing the Placebo Effect on a Pedestal

Rarely does a podcast shift my focus so dramatically that I talk about it for days with my wife. The podcast "Placebo" from an episode of WNYC's Radio Lab program did just that. You can download it by clicking HERE.

I just started listening to this podcast with hosts Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich about a month ago. They do a fantastic job with the show, setting the bar pretty high for all those podcasting. The show is very much like a This American Life with Ira Glass, just more of a science bent.

I was particularly struck by the Parkinson's disease patients and how they responded to a placebo effect trial. Wait for it...there is a twist at the end of this subfeature of the episode. There was also a boy with warts all over one of his arms who undergoes a particular type of placebo effect trial to amazing results. It's just truly remarkable how much our words and our literal touching of others play in being healthy and happy.

After hearing the show, I can feel myself making more of a concerted effort to use words that convey care and concern (not all the time, but I'm trying). Obviously, and probably like most of us humans, I wish I could take back some words I've used in the past with people I care about deeply.

Would love to hear your comments after listening.

Have a great weekend!


mountain bound said...

So, i'm terrible in that i haven't had time to listen to the entire podcast as of yet however... i have some thoughts that may or may not be relevant pertaining to the whole placebo effect...

i personally dislike taking medicine unless absolutely necessary. while i think there are some instances when it may be needed, i think our culture is too apt to seek a "quick fix" when a change in lifestyle, perspective, or outlook is all that's really necessary. i think words and thoughts have tremendous healing potential in many instances...