The email, almost in its entirety, is below...but first, I'd like to share a few comments.
1. Even if the United States was brought into being from bible-believing, evangelical Christians (it wasn't, but even if it was), I would hope we would have the decency and fortitude as a people to resist putting a 'Christian' label on our Republic, and rather, insist that our government proceed in a purely secular manner.
Think about how it feels when you're the odd person out in a game or conversation. Do you really want to be that person that continues to say, "Oh, you wouldn't understand, it's a 'Christian' thing..." when asked by the person who isn't a Christian why they have to support a government that keeps having a 'conversation' or plays a 'game' that excludes other peoples of faith or non-faith not in the majority?
Thankfully the same forefathers that some Christians claim as their own had this aforementioned fortitude, and made sure that the Constitution, our one and only governing document for these United States, was a secular one, and appealed to all peoples regardless of their belief or lack thereof in a supernatural being. It could have easily gone the other way.
2. If you are a Christian, I do not begrudge you your right to practice your religion. I really don't. What I do begrudge is when you, as the practitioner of the dominant religion in this country, Christianity, try to make sure that your religion is represented at the highest levels of government. I am talking most specifically about the 'National Day of Prayer'.
3. If you have a problem with Barack Obama catering to Muslims in his administration (I'm not agreeing that he is doing this, just saying that if you believe that he is), I would ask you to consider that Christians have been the 'catered to' group for quite some time in our republic. And actually, having another religious group 'catered to' should be a wonderful 'wake up call' to any and all people that think Church and State should be brought back together.
The government has no business catering to any religious group, PERIOD. Rather it should be devoted to governing large diverse populations of people from every religious and a-religious walk of life.
4. I often hear that people think our country is going in the 'wrong direction' and we need to return to 'God'. I ask you to reconsider this romantic, in my humble opinion, Urban Legend-esque period when we were 'with God' . Was it during the late 1700's and all through the early part of the 19th century when a black person was still considered just 3/5 of a human being? Was it during the early 1900's when a woman couldn't even vote in this country? How about the 1930's, 40's, and 50's where black people in this country, under the guise of Christianity, were hunted down at night, tortured, and killed (ie. lynched) by cruel people dressed in sheets and brandishing fire crosses?
I thank our collective reasoning abilities as humans that we're not heading in those directions anymore. We're slowly but surely making this world a better place to live in and thrive. The average lifespan of a human being at the time the Declaration of Independence was written was less than 45 years. Today that same statistic is close to 67 years. And while some will claim this longetivity a miracle from God, I put forth that this is a testament to the collective human mind that day in and day out tries to answer questions about how the world works.
Let's all just take a collective deep breath, and realize just how far we've really come as a species on this planet. It's truly an amazing thing to contemplate! Truly amazing!
Let's also forget about all the things that make us think we're so different from one another. We're not. We're all pretty much the same amount of sloshing water mixed in with some minerals, protein, fat, and carbohydrates trying to acquire more of these things to keep us going. And no, that previous sentence doesn't mean life is any less important or meaningful. It's actually just the opposite, it makes living this life right here, right now, all the more prescient and important.
So with no further ado, here's the 'scary' email:
In 1952
President Truman established one day a year as a "National Day of Prayer."
In 1988
President Reagan designated the First Thursday in May of each year as the National Day of Prayer.
In June 2007, (then) Presidential Candidate Barack Obama declared that the USA
"Was no longer a Christian nation."
This year President Obama canceled the 21st annual National Day of Prayer ceremony
at the White House under the ruse Of "not wanting to offend anyone"
BUT... on September 25, 2009 from 4 AM until 7 PM, a National Day of Prayer
FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION was Held on Capitol Hill, Beside the White House.
There were over 50,000 Muslims in D.C. that day.
I guess it Doesn't matter if "Christians" Are offended by this event -
We obviously Don't count as "anyone" Anymore.
The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be converted, they should be annihilated.
The words of 2 Chronicles 7:14
"If my people, Who are called by my Name, Will humble themselves And pray, And seek my face, and Turn from their Wicked ways, Then will I hear from Heaven And will forgive their Sin and will heal Their land."
We must pray for Our nation, our communities, Our families, and especially our children. They are the ones who are going to suffer the most.
If we don't PRAY May God have Mercy. IN GOD WE TRUST.
Snopes has a great write up for these claims in the email. Click HERE if you'd like to read it.
The claims about Obama are patently false, but that usually doesn't stop people from sending out misinformation when it disagrees with what they WANT to believe is true.
The writer of the email puts in a bible verse from II Chronicles for good measure. If only he or she had also put in the verses from Deuteronomy 7:1-2 to counter:
“When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations…then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy.” Deuteronomy 7:1-2 "
The rest of the email is a plea to get people to read to the end of it so that they receive a blessing from God and forward the email on to 10 friends.
Click HERE if you want to read the rest of the email I received. It's stock 'footage' that gets appended to most emails of this sort to get people to read the message in its entirety.
I actually feel sorry for people who write this kind of stuff, and the people who buy into it. I think both types of people REALLY believe both what they are writing, and what they are reading, and I think they WANT to believe it. It's an easy solution in search of a problem that doesn't exist. It's good drama for sure, and it makes Glenn Beck a good living.
However, at the end of the day it's all just scare tactics and noise based on little semblance of reality, fact checking, or reason. Rather emails like this simply appeal to good old fashioned fear; fear of the unknown, fear of policies that aren't the policies of the previous administration, fear. If only all of us could wake up and smell this kind of nonsense for what it really is, and begin to think critically about the claims being put forth in these emails.
Again, I will keep hope alive in this regard and despite the scariness around me, will still enjoy Halloween next week :)
Thanks for stopping by,
What the hell is WRONG WITH PEOPLE? You and my husband are both so sensible with logical arguments, and these "christian" nutjobs keep doing shit like this?
I've been handing this link out like candy lately, thanks to someone launching a hatefest on my FB. It seems appropos... Patton Oswalt's take on religion. :)
Thanks, rubicat, for your comments and the link. Hadn't seen that one from Oswalt. Definitely appropos. Should mention in the interest of trying to keep the blog as family friendly as I can, those out there with sensitivities to the 'F bomb'...not a good link.
There is much to digest with this blog. But for now, I believe all of our Presidents from Washington to Obama come to the office with each his own beliefs and whether you believe in God or not, it's still a belief. I don't think any of our Presidents before this one specifically came to office to change anyone's belief or make anyone come to theirs. Many have personal and political reasons for what they (our Representatives}deem necessary to govern this country. Hopefully
Representing the American people and what "we Americans" elected them for -- working, voting and protecting America -- these United States. Where we should not live in fear to state our opinion. We, as the United States of America have our culture, too. And it is Christian; though some want to erase that part of America. but it has not been pushed on anyone by our representatives. Our Forefathers wanted "Freedom" and with it responsibity. They go hand in hand. And they did not want Freedom "from" religion; but "of" religion. And, if someone claims to be an atheist, agnostic... that is their belief, their religion. True Christianity is a narrow road, not wide open one for anything & everything... Let's say you were going to take a journey and you arrive at the airport and you go to the ticket counter and the clerk says "Enjoy your trip". On your ticket there is nothing about which plane to take and when you ask, the clerk says: "pick any plane you wish." Well, there must be hundreds and how do you choose which plane will take you to the place you want to go? How wide-open is that?!! Is that how you want to travel in this life? Christianity says there is only one way to God. Through Jesus Christ. Take this path and you will live. The wide road leads to confusion and distruction, it is your choice how you travel in this life and in eternity?
I dare say, if you called one of your loved ones "sloshing water, minerals, proteins and fat, and then, dare to say, this is a good way to think. Wow! Some people would be much offended and perhaps would like to be thought of in a better light than that!
Thanks, Anonymous, for sharing your thoughts. I want to respond in kind to all the things you mentioned, but am quickly running out of time as I have to head out on a business trip. Will hopefully be able to get back to you by Thursday. Thanks for stopping by!
Well last week got away from me and this week wasn't much better. In a dash of haste, I wanted to respond back to the anonymous comments left a few weeks ago.
Thank you again for your comments. I really appreciate all sides of an issue being laid out.
Taking the last comment 1st, yes, sloshing minerals is a bit harsh if you're talking to a loved one, I agree. I probably wouldn't use that same phrase-ology if I was.
My main intention with coining that phrase was to try to make the point that in the grand scheme of things we are all very similar to one another, and we shouldn't think of ourselves as so different from each other. And if you think about what you are actually physically made of and what every other human on the planet is physically made of, it's kind of a neat comparison...we're all the same water sloshing around with minerals, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. I think the longer you think about it, the neater it gets. But yes, in the beginning...a shock to the system.
Regarding the culture comments, sure there is a culture of Christianity in this country. I don't deny that. But please, I would like for someone to show me some evidence that we need to have Christianity represented in our formal policies of government. And all other religions should be swept aside.
And speaking of religions, since the commenter wants to equate agnosticism and atheism as a religion, then maybe a nice tactic to take to Washington is for equal time for all religions when it comes to the government endorsing certain religions.
If there is going to be a National Day of Prayer, then maybe if the Christians will not concede that this is a bad idea, the agnostic and atheism religion should have a National Day of Thinking Positive Thoughts, or a National Day of Logically and Rationally Solving Suffering in the World, or something along those lines.
Anonymous commenters, please help me understand why you think it is so important for the United States Government to endorse religion at its highest level. So far I don't see too many compelling reasons to do so.
Thanks again for stopping by, as always I welcome any and all comments,
Thanks for your reply. To your question about religion and politics. No one wants one so called "religion" to rule. That's what is done in the Islamic countries; and they want that for the every country and person to be forced to belong to their religion. Right? Each one of us has some kind of belief system. The Christian belief and living a Christian life is not distorted like some of yours and others put out there about what Christianity is. Christianity is a relationship with The One True God of The Bible. The Jewish, is a relationship with The One True God of the First Five Books of the Bible...
When one chooses to become a Christian, that person individually at his/her point of need comes to a realization that he/she needs help in living this life here on earth; and as hard as it may be, the believer knows because Jesus came to earth to help us all; and, because He came to us here where we live & because He could, we could, too, weather many storms that may come --that is to go about doing and living a good life here on earth; but sometimes we cannot make it in our own strength. Prayers for others and ourselves helps us to go on. Angels we are unaware of help us, too. Not always easy, not always without rain storms, but never without Him to help us. God is Good and Just and He Loves us, all of us here on the earth and wishes that no one would perish. But there is Evil on this earth and it rears its ugly, stifling head to root out anything of God. Would you agree there is "Evil" in this world? And not God's doing? And what is to be done about "Evil"? Who can destroy it? Each religion --Buddism, Hindu, Atheism, Agnostism... and many others have their standards; but none of them ring true when compared to Christianity, true Christianity -- WWJD ? And none them come close to Christianity on many levels. (something to discuss another time?). I guess I should stop here for now. I'm on to a more personal letter to be sent to a very special person who is wrestling with your questions and others. I stopped here first to reread your blog and when I saw your reply, I decided to say more, ask a bit more also. So long for now. Thanks.Anonymous
Thanks, Anonymous, for your reply.
Sorry it's taken me a few weeks to get back to you. Holiday season, work, and recovering from a bad cold have kept me from writing more.
I've actually conscripted a lengthy reply to your last comment. Unfortunately, because of the 4,096 character limit on, I will have to post my reply to your reply as an actual blog post.
Please look for my reply coming up in just a few minutes.
Thanks, and thanks again for your comments on this post, greatly appreciated,
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